Monday, April 2, 2012

two weeks to 'til PA

Less than two weeks before I'll be back in PA.

Despite my best intentions, my winter training fell mostly on its face.
I learned how to rock climb, played a fair amount of squash, did a yin yoga teacher training course, and I can now do consecutive sets of 15 push-ups (it doesn't sound like much, but it is a great improvement from no push-ups). Unfortunately, none of this has made me any faster on a bike.  I probably haven't hit my max heart rate in months. The most optimistic moment was the one week of glorious weather in mid-March when I actually did ride my bike outside... but the warm weather was fleeting and it has snowed more than once since.

The Mid Atlantic series updates and race reports are coming in and I'm preparing to eat dust in a serious way upon my return. I had originally thought about trying for the Michaux Trail Cup, but I'd rather not desecrate the TBR name in my inaugural dawning of the team jersey. Instead I'm holding out for the Maximus (at least it isn't a MASS event, right?!).

Anyone familiar with the Michaux Series probably thinks I'm off my rocker, but I hear the races are epic and I want to do all three. Before the Maximus I'll be commuting 40 miles a day by bike two or three times a week and I'll have time for some long more technical rides after work every other day of the week.... weather permitting, of course. Granted, two weeks will hardly make up for my loss, but I guess I'll have to start somehow.

In the mean time, work has my plate rather full:
7 student papers to grade
23 student assessments to complete
70+ final exams to grade
a Union AGM
and 2 Arbitration decisions to write

oh.... and of course my own list of school and not-so-school related things:
1 term paper
2 presentations
1 guest lecture
1 PhD proposal
3 overdue summaries
Canadian Taxes
American Taxes
there must be more..... 

Two weeks 'til PA.
I can't wait.