the story

In the fall of 2009, on what felt like a whim (but is more accurately describes as an overall lack of life direction), I went back to school for a Masters degree.

I packed up all of my belongings and moved from the beautiful and progressive Chester County, Pennsylvania to Kingston, Ontario - university, military, prison industrial complex capital of Canada (and as far as I can tell, the world).

The winters are long and cold, which I hear can be fun if you're living in a place with mountains and skiable powder. Southern Ontario, however, is neither known for its topography nor its snow. The best winter feature that Kingston has to offer is the brutal wind that blow off of frozen Lake Ontario.

I lasted about 8 months and moved myself back to PA. I competed in my first season of mountain bike racing, got a meaningful job, and then a couple of tuition bills later I realized that paying for nothing was pointless and I should probably wrap up my degree. In January of 2011, I embraced the negative 20 degree temperatures and moved myself back up north to tie up some loose ends.

I always thought I would do something other than become a professional student... but as you have probably gathered by now,  plans change. I've decided to stay in school forever.

Student life is pretty awesome if you have few material wants and can survive on a Teaching Assistantship. I am surrounded by smart folks, my dog comes to the office every day, I get to read and think about the world, and most important of all - I have a flexible schedule which means I can ride bikes.

Four winters in Canada is a big commitment, but I've decided to embrace it and do my part to liven up academia.

May the story of books, bikes, and survival in the North Country begin!